I am a lot like my RS 80, Old and Slow. I am not too happy with my Acer net book due to the short battery life and that replacing it (the battery) would cost half of what a tablet would cost. I have borrowed my DD's tablet and find it a little more difficult than a desktop or net book usable for us.
We, the DW and I want something small for use in our RV. Battery life is important because we are off grid a lot and charging every two hours is not practical.
My question has to do with the difference between OS's. The tablet from the DD I is a Toshiba w/Google, what are the others like?
We like the Yahoo home page. and the only software we have on the tablet is MSWORD and Word Perfect. We make reservations for campsites, tours and RV travel related stuff. I surf this site and my DW usually gets a lot of her quilt guild emails that's about it for our on road usage.
Any suggestions for tablets?