wa_desert_rat wrote:
Worse yet, MS cannot make their OS secure. If they could, they'd have done it already instead of producing add-on utilities just like McAfee, et. al. Why would the company that developed Windows have to produce an add-on product (which does not come with Windows... you have to download it free) to fix its security problems? Why couldn't MS - with access, after all, to the source code and the APIs - just fix the OS? The answer, my friends, is that MS cannot fix it without breaking it and requiring all the developers to re-write their applications from scratch. Something Apple did a long time ago with OS-X.
Craig :)
I wonder why Apple found it necessary to issue at least two patches last year to stop the "Flashback" vulnerability? Oh, maybe it was the 600,000 plus computers that were already infected by it. Intego, F-Secure, Sophos, and others, all make security software for Apple OS's. I wonder why that is...
As a long time Linux user and retired systems administrator/analyst, I'm well aware that any OS can be vulnerable to malware, especially when social engineering is involved.