Dutch_12078 wrote:
I wonder why Apple found it necessary to issue at least two patches last year to stop the "Flashback" vulnerability? Oh, maybe it was the 600,000 plus computers that were already infected by it. Intego, F-Secure, Sophos, and others, all make security software for Apple OS's. I wonder why that is...
As a long time Linux user and retired systems administrator/analyst, I'm well aware that any OS can be vulnerable to malware, especially when social engineering is involved.
You sound like my wife when I ask her, again, to rinse the dishes after she is finished (I wash the dishes in our house). Her immediate response is not to agree or disagree, or even to deny that she does it. Her response is to immediately accuse me of something. "Well, you snore!" As if that excuses what she did.
Whether or not Apple or Unix or Linux can - and have - been cracked is beside the point. The point is that every single Windows machine is vulnerable to malware to the point where the operator (see the posting above yours) has to be careful about where he/she surfs. And, worse yet, they're vulnerable to the same malware they were vulnerable to in 2003. The only reason the average Windows machine does not get exploited to the point of uselessness (and many do, anyway) is that they have firewalls and spyware/malware/trojan/virus protection. Usually paid for.
Yet users and businesses continue on buying the same problems over and over and relying on IT departments or consultants (or cousin Bobby) to fix it when, inevitably, it happens.
Ironically, MS sold its products to CEOs on the premise that they could get rid of their expensive IT departments staffed with IBM, DEC and HP professionals. "One desk, one computer" they told them. And the CEOs ate it up. Of course, now their IT departments are bigger tha ever and new technology makes the job harder than ever. Just try to explain to a CEO why you are afraid to put their Exchange server out on the Internet with a static IP so they can all read their email on smartphones. This was, in fact, one reason so many companies (and government agencies) preferred the Blackberry.
Why do corporations continue to put up with it? I don't think they know that there are alternatives. With a staff of MSCE people, who knows they can put a Linux box ahead of their Exchange box and get more secure email?