Caddywhompus wrote:
Or grossly uninformed and ignorant. As a user stuck working with Windows daily, I prefer Apple at home. 4 months ago I tried a Windows 8 smartphone. It has been more stable, efficient and secure than ANY Android device. It's faster than IOS on Apple devices, and completely surprised me when it proved to be more stable than Windows PC operating systems. Windows Mobile is way better than people assume.
You can't blame him for assuming that the smartphone operating system would be subject to the same exploits as the laptop/desktop OS. But it looks like MS took the opportunity to do a change-up. Without the gamers market, MS could take the video off ring zero and vastly increase the security of the operating system. After all, there is no huge installed-base of applications; they're starting off with a clean slate.
If so, then this is what I've been wanting MS to do for years; give up on backwards compatibility and get the OS to a point where security is not based on add-ons and outside vendors.