ReadyToGo wrote:
Desert rat: you are funny. Maybe you protest to much? Why does Apple constantly ship security updates? Why is their browser the first to be cracked at all the hacker conventions where money is involved for the last 3 or 4 or more years?
Why doesn't Apple tell you there is a security breach ie the flashback breach for 2 or 3 months after it was found?
And how many times has Itunes been conpromised? at least twice I believe. But that must be because they use Windows for their OS? This might be true as business know that the only business OS is Windows.
100 percent on Windows? Wow, that means there are non on Macs? Talk about hyperbole.
Have your opinion, but at least make an attempt to keep it truthfull.
Again, arguing that Apple can be cracked does not answer the question about Windows. Nor is arguing that Linux can be cracked a defense. Every time someone brings up the insecurities of Windows the answer is "well, Linux has been cracked" or "Apple's OSX has been cracked". Like my wife's argument that I snore is why she doesn't rinse her plate, it is not an argument; it's an evasion.
Why is it that you can download Malwarebytes in its current form and load it onto Windows XP as easily as Windows 8.1 and have it operate in exactly the same way; looking for exactly the same malware?
Why does Microsoft produce - and offer free for a download - an add-on product that removes malware instead of making their operating system less susceptable to malware. Why wouldn't they just fix the OS? And why doesn't MS include that product with their OS instead of making users discover it, download it, and install it themselves?
But, since several of you have brought up specific OS-X problems there is this: "... the Sophos survey, which is based on 100,000 users of its free Mac OS X antivirus software. Notably, Sophos found that only 2.7% of all scanned Macs harbored Mac-compatible malware, adware, or other suspicious software. (In comparison, some studies that estimate that nearly half of all Windows machines harbor such software.)..."
And really... try to actually respond to my points rather than simply point out problems elsewhere. Although, frankly, my wife can't do it, either. :)