Either will work for you, either can be learned, and either will elicit passionate responses from others. Currently, Android devices significantly outsell iPhone devices - Market share for Android is up to 75%, Apple is 23%, Blackberry is falling past 10%, and Windows is around 10% also.
There are 100's of thousands of applications available for either device. I've found more high-quality applications available for free on Android than on iPhone.
I've found an Android phone (Samsung is the market leader in the Android set) with Verizon service to be an excellent combination. I'm willing to pay for great service, connections almost everywhere I go, and good quality. Verizon has delivered all three, at least for me. The Android can be a WiFi hotspot so that several of your wifi devices can connect to the Android which then connects to the Internet via cellular. This lets you use your laptop computer to surf the internet while inside a vehicle driving down the highway or parked in a campground.