Ads with Garmin Traffic are few and far between and I have not seen any show up on my Garmin for about two years. They were there to supplement the cost of traffic updates and all that showed was a single line about a Best Western or whoever and then it was gone.
It is really too bad that the Garmin RV760 does not have a propane setting. I am not sure what they are thinking as routing into tunnels, etc that do not allow propane can get you into big trouble.
The Dezi760 truck GPS in truck mode does have the propane setting and it looks like I will go with that - unless Garmin does a firmware update to add the propane when they get reactions from RVers that this is a bad thing to be missing. The Dezi also comes in a 5" screen for a hundred bucks less with all of the same features as the 7" screen model.