Forum Discussion

c_traveler2's avatar
Mar 17, 2018

Blogging sites

I'm in the process of looking at doing my own blogging site and in the search of one. I would like to hear from those WHO have their own and how well your site that you use has worked out.

I'm doing this because I can no longer post any photos to due to the reCAPTCHA provider that uses keeps blocking all my photos. Admin has be silence on this subject.

I DON"T want to hear have you" tried this" to get the photos to post, I'm done with that!
  • AsheGuy wrote:
    I've been blogging with Google's Blogspot since 2006 and have never had any issue with my blog. See link in signature, I'm using it now while on a several week long trip. I don't allow advertising, but it is pretty much irrelevant as my target is friends and family.

    Blogspot and Google Blogger are one and the same, but you site shows me that Google saved your older postings in other words didn't lose them during the transfer, thank you.
  • I've been blogging with Google's Blogspot since 2006 and have never had any issue with my blog. See link in signature, I'm using it now while on a several week long trip. I don't allow advertising, but it is pretty much irrelevant as my target is friends and family.
  • Fizz wrote:
    It must be you because I have no problems using this link,

    There are many posters on at have trouble with the reCAPTCHA program be glad you haven't been hit with it yet.

    Now back to my original posting do you have a blogging site or website if so how's it working out for you, any problems with it, is it free to use or pay for use?
  • vermilye wrote:
    I use two methods of blogging. I have a web site at 1&1 that I use Adobe's Dreamweaver to produce, probably more trouble than you want to go through, and a simple version that I post using Google's Blogger.

    I see your using Blogger, how's that working out, does your older posting fade out, when Blogger makes changes to their website do you lose any of your posting including older ones?