ericosmith wrote:
Not sure why the separate usb stick or mp3 player. Why not just load them on your phone?
Phone storage memory is pretty limited compared to other means, ties up what storage space you have, ties up the phone for non phone use. Typical modern Android phones will have 16GB, 32GB, 64 GB of shared storage (OS and APPs share part and your data shares the other part).
The more APPs you install, the less space left for data files like music and photos and the reverse is true. Many phones do not have additional storage expansion like a micro SD card reader and the newer ones that do have it, you have to use a little eject pin which isn't very handy and when ejecting the SD card you are supposed to turn off the phone first before ejecting or risk losing data.
Using external USB flash drives means your not "sharing" space with non music stuff, you have unlimited space for your music library. Run out of space, expand your library to a second, third, fourth, fifth and so on USB drive. Your not tying up your phone for non phone use either. You can just leave the USB flash drive plugged into the USB port in your vehicle and each time you start the vehicle it picks back up right were you stopped.
USB flash drives are dirt cheap compared to your cellphone or even a dedicated MP3 player.. 32GB USB flash drive can be bought for about $8, I don't know where you can buy a cellphone or portable MP3 player for $8, even a burner Tracphone is going to cost you $30 and you will get a refurbished 20 yr old phone with 16GB of shared space (yes, I HAVE gone through a lot of those junk cheap Tracphones over the yrs).
I leave my flash drive plugged in all the time, I buy the little low profile drives so they don't stick out.

No wires, no pairing, no charging a additional device and as a bonus, I control what song is playing from my radio touch screen or from my steering wheel buttons.
But I guess, some folks like to make this much harder than it is :R :h