valhalla360 wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
NOAA radio broadcasts are a fine example of this, they replaced real humans reading and recording the forecast and weather info some 20 yrs ago.. There still are local towns and cities to me that are mispronounced to this day..
If that is what you are basing your recommendation off, I understand why.
I suggest actually downloading and trying some of the free apps...they are wildly better than the old NOAA voice.
Alexa is a computer generated voice, Cortana is a computer generated voice, there are dozens if not thousands of different text to voice programs out there and none of them can 100% correctly mimic the intonation, inflection, emotion of a human, period. Listening to computer generated voices is, well, cold, heartless, lifeless, artificial.
If you think life is about a computer generated voice reading some words, you are 100% missing out on life.
Humans are unique, individual, have emotions, have passion, get excited, get upset, speed up, slow down, pause, emphasize and so on without any cues in the written word.. Absolutely no computer generated voice can show these types and more emotions in their voice..
If you just want to read a newspaper article out loud, here a weather forecast, get turn by turn driving instructions, sure, any computer generated voice will do.. But if you really want the full effect of the written word, having a real human read and speak it makes the words come to life, there is no substitute than the real thing.
The authors of books put their emotions in words into it, the reader when reading those words will interpret the words in their own unique personal way as they get fully immersed in the story and speak the story retelling it as if they were part of the story line.
Try taking your favorite song, convert the lyrics to text then have your favorite software computer generated voice sing it..
Some of us are not interested in living with "H.A.L. 9000" (watch 2001 A Space Oddessy if you don't understand the reference).