Ron3rd wrote:
SoundGuy wrote:
Ron3rd wrote:
In my business, it's crucial that I receive phone calls throughout the day.
If it's that "crucial" consider renting a satellite phone. ;)
I hope I don't have to do that!
There is no reason to believe that you should have to do that. There are several very good boosters for both WiFi and Cellular (different antennas and boosters). Take your computer to the office or where ever the WiFi signal should be good and do some testing to see if you want to bother attempting to amplify it at your campsite.
You can find the location of your providers closest tower to your location doing google search for cellular towers. If they are close and you just have a weak signal you will be able to get a pretty simple setup that will make for a better connection. If the towers are far away and your signal is dropping in and out then you might need to consider and directional antenna and a way to get the antenna as high as possible. Where you are, how long you will be there and your budget will all bear on the final decision.
Maximum Signal and Wilson antenna setups are the most common Cellular options and there are many WiFi options including one for less than $100 that can be found here.