Clay L wrote:
mr. ed wrote:
SNIP I find I need Chrome when using my Bank of America website. Interestingly, Neither Edge nor Firefox works on the ‘Shop Safe’ section of that website. It just doesn’t load properly. Only Chrome works. Don’t know why? SNIP
In the past I have used Firefox with BOA Shopsafe. It requires Adobe Flash which I believe is disabled by Firefox by default. You might try enabling it and see if that works.
I use Chrome nowadays and haven't tried BOA with Firefox for a long time so just tried and can't even sign in to BOA at all - much less continue on to Shopsafe. Don't know what is going on there.
Thanks, Clay, for that info. I'll look into it and see if I can get Edge to work properly on my BofA site. Update: I just checked settings in Edge and Adobe Flash is switched on. So, there's some other issue. I didn't try it on Firefox because, unfortunately, I uninstalled the program. My bad. Maybe I'll try it again.