Continuing my saga of not getting channels in the bedroom TV, yesterday I ran cable to my neighbors pedestal beside me. Same thing, will not pick up channel's 2 thru 7, the local channels. Then I ran cable to a pedestal behind me in a new part of the park. Same story. I took out a part of the bulkhead in the storage area and I can see a splitter that looks like its at least a 4 part. But to get to it, I need to take out another wall. That will take some work. If I knew that was the problem, I would do it. Don't know what else it could be. The cable system is putting out he channels & the TV will pick up them, but will not in the bedroom unless you run the cable directly to the TV. Other than the living room & bedroom, there is a hook up for a TV in the kitchen & in the storage area to add a TV if you want to. If I take the wall down to get to the 4 way splitter I will remove it and just install 2 way splitter in place of it to get just living room & bedroom.....
Gdetrailer thanks for all that info. I understand some of it. I'm basically the guy that plugs into he pedestal & the rig & its suppose to work....