Grumpy374 wrote:
gramps, I have figured out what CW/GS really does with their customers. Figured it out after dealing with GS Insurance.
When you place an order, or buy something, your entering Fantasey Land, that area where they promise, and you expect them to honor that promise.
Then after the promises don't come true, you go to the Twilight Zone. Thats the area where your placed, waiting, waiting, waiting, for a response, someone to answer a phone, a live person to talk to, and a person who really knows what their doing. Also, while in the Twilight Zone, you will be contacted by "THE RAPID RESPONSE TEAM".
They will actually lead you to a deeper area ot the Twilight Zone.
After some more time goes by, you will leave the Twilight Zone, but you will now enter The Outer Limits.
The Outer Limits are where, after weeks, you get some, part, or none of your order, so you try to cancel or worse yet, try to return something. This becomes harder and harder as you have part of your order, and part is on backorder or in transit somewhere between China and Outer Mongolia. So they won't refund your money and you have to go through your cedit card co.
But don't worry. You may not, but others will always be there, ordering or dealing with CW, and entering the deep dark black hole (better known as THE SALE FLYER) that they use to sucker you in.
Hahaha. That is exactly what i see with everyone's posts in the Camping World Accessories and Sales forums.. Spot on.