2oldman wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
2oldman wrote:
mr. ed wrote:
well,on top of my other woes on this older Toshiba laptop for some reason I can't get it into safe mode. I know in the past, before I reinstalled Windows XP I could get into safe mode OK by repeatedly pressing the F 8 key while booting up.now,.
I thought you were supposed to HOLD the F key.
Nope, tap repeatedly.
From the MS website: "If your computer has a single operating system installed, press and hold the F8 key as your computer restarts."
Pressing it once will work if you hit it at exactly the right time. If you miss the correct time, and just hold the key down, then it will just go ahead and boot. That's why you press the key repeatedly: you don't have to know the exact time to press the key.