2oldman wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
pressing it once will work if you hit it at exactly the right time. If you miss the correct time, and just hold the key down, then it will just go ahead and boot. That's why you press the key repeatedly: you don't have to know the exact time to press the key.
I can't follow this logic. You're implying the MS directions are wrong?
My point was that there is a specific point when the computer is changing from the BIOS operation to the Windows Boot menu. At that point you have to hit the F8 key. If you miss that narrow margin of opportunity the computer will continue to boot. Holding down the key too soon or too late will not get you into the Options menu. So you tap the key to maximize your chances of hitting it at the right moment.
I've worked on lots of computers and holding down the F8 key will not necessarily work on all computers.