If you've got all the wiring and antenna setup installed and working, then for the $40 at Walmart (for example) you can slide in a basic CB. Unless you're with a caravan you may not use it much. However, they are wonderful when you get into a traffic jam (just listen to the truckers). I have one on while driving (with an earpiece so as not to bother any passengers) and it helped a lot. I was driving in Idaho, narrow 2 lane road with lots of hills. Heard one trucker saying "Bad alligator in the road, someone is going to hit it when they come over the hill". I was near the top of a hill at the time and slowed way down. Just on the other side was a huge tire re-tread that was lying right in the middle of my lane. No way could I have avoided it at speed. Just then two trucks went by in the other lane...I thanked them for the warning. (Since it was safe, my son jumped out and pulled the tire retread to the side of the road)