Bumpyroad wrote:
TNGW1500SE wrote:
Craigslist. Search 40 channel cb radio.
actually would a 40 channel one be best? I thought that they went from 19 to 40 because of channel crowding, which is not currently an issue.
I "thought" that when the switch was made they lowered the power of the CB. My CBs haven't been "tuned" to any channel over 19 for ages, so I am wondering if wa8yxm would have a thought on this?
Older CB's were 23 channel. Then it was increased by FCC to 40 due to over-crowding. Same 4 watts either way unless illegally modified or modified and used by licensed HAM operator. NOTE: Some walkie talkies legally transmitted up to 5 watts due to smaller antennas being installed. Many users added external amplifiers but that just "stepped all over" everyone else and caused issues for legal users. There just wasn't enough channels and power for the radios to be much use. It was a party line with to many people on the lines. To day with far less users, it could be a short range option.
CB antenna's are the most important factor. Antennas need tuned and should be tuned to the lowest SWR on channel 19 because that's in the middle of the band. It's a compromise on other channels.
If "power" is really of any importance, a stock CB is not the way to go anyway.
I'm no expert but I played with CB's as a kid.
Before buying a CB, listen to this:
CB StreamToday, if I wanted a emergency radio. I'd look at a Baofeng UV-5R. About 30 bucks on ebay. You really should get a ham license to use it to transmit but you can listen all day without a license. It's a dual band radio that broadcast on 145-155/400-480 MHz but be careful, it can broadcast on illegal frequencies that police and fire use.
If you really want to know what radio to buy, find a neighbor with 50 guns and a basement full of dried beans, he'll know.