copter wrote:
I've read some of the posts and I don't think my question has been answered.... Can I connect my laptop via bluetooth to access AT&T dial-up? I have a Sony Ericcson and know I'll need to download the Sony Ericsson Mobile Networking Wizard but will I be charged per kb or just as a voice call?
So I asked this a while back and didn't get much info.. Since then I've Bluetoothed the PC to the phone and tried dial up... The phone dials the number and it seems like after AT&T Wireless can see its data the phone hangs up. Now if I use *99# everything works fine but is using my Media Net MBs and its going to add up quick. The $15 deal sounds good but I'm not concerned with speed and would rather use my rollover minutes.
Is anyone using dial up with AT&T Wireless and getting it to work?