MrWizard wrote:
how many aircards are RevA ? AFAIK not too many, certainly NOT all of them.
all of the currently available devices from sprint and verizon are most certainly rev-a. in fact the last rev-o device from verizon was the v640 expresscard, which came out in fall of 2006, nearly two years ago. every data device since the v640 (the last 8-10 devices) has been Rev-A.
MrWizard wrote:
I'm not disputing the Speed attainable with revA
i am disputing your comment that a BB on rev0 is not faster than a cell phone on 1x, when we both know for a fact that it is faster.
no, what i was trying to say is that any rev-o blackberry would be as fast as any rev-a device, in an 1xrtt coverage area, because 1xrtt would be the limiting factor.
MrWizard wrote:
I've seen several of your posts, and I will assume all of your personal gear is hacked and tweaked to the max, NOT stock off the shelf OEM verzion working status
thats funny. there really isn't anything i know of to hack evdo hardware... aside from making it work when nobody else could (like with mac osx), the verizon hardware i use is in fact "bone stock".
i've seen many of your posts as well, and continue to be in awe of your handset and voice plan knowledge... but since i deal with data devices all day every day, i believe i have more experience with those toys.
i stand by what i said, having tested many blackberry and other handsets in Rev-A coverage... they are close when it comes to downloads, but get left in the dust when it comes to uploads. thats all i was trying to point out.
some folks who have to decide between handsets and data devices, may care more about upload speed, simply because they may have to send photos somewhere on a regular basis. for those folks, a Rev-0 handset is at a disadvantage over any Rev-A device (handset or data device)