Thought I'd stick an oar in the water here. I did an upgrade from my LGxxxx phone that could be tethered to my Vista OS laptop. The upgrade was to Verizon's Palm Pre. Decided to "kill 2 birds with one stone" approach. I can get rid of my old Handspring (Palm OS) and use the Palm Pre. Additionally the Pre can be used as a "WiFi hotspot." Using the Pre can save $20 each month versus going with the MiFi.
The only problem with the Pre is there isn't an external antenna port. May have to get that cradle antenna thing from the 3G store (more $$ spent :E).
Of course, I have to spend more money to get the synch software working with Outlook (also had to get Outlook 2007). I DL'd the Pre user guide PDF to my desktop to read the necessary information. Then will use the 21st century "sneaker net" to transfer the PDF to my laptop.
The plan is to get rid of the local broad band service and it's cost. The Pre would provide the service in the house (about 1 mile to Verizon tower) to two desktop computers and the laptop. I'd do the same when traveling with just the laptop. According to the Verizon rep, the Pre's hotspot works up to 30'.
After some experimentation, I hope to have this working by the end of May. Having tried things in the past, I'm sure there will be some hair pulling and gnashing of teeth while working through problems.
Wish me luck....:B