Just got our Verizon MiFi on an internet promotion, the device was free and no activation charge, with 2 year contract at $60 per month for 5 gb. Had been using a BB Storm with data plan ($30) and tethering ($30 more), so this comes out $$$ neutral on the cell side. My BB died a couple of weeks ago, and I have a donated LG flip phone for voice and text until I am next eligible for a Verizon phone upgrade, so don't need data or tethering. Set up was very easy, changed the admin password for the device and configured for SSID and password, this took all of about 15 minutes.
This morning I shut off the Centurytel dsl modem and wireless router and connected two Macs and an Acer netbook running Ubuntu Netbook, and the MiFi is FASTER than the Centurytel dsl! Where I am going to make money is terminating the Centurytel land line and dsl ($70 a month)!
Can hardly wait to take this on the road!