To boost the cell phone signal, I like the
weBoost Drive 4G-S Cell Phone Booster, it has good reviews.
I put the android cell phone on the weBoost cradle and set the phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot. So, I can share internet access with laptop and tablet.
The cradle is connected via a coax cable to an external directional antenna.
I can reach cell phone tower a few miles away, provided that the antenna is high enough to have line-of-sight, which is necessary for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz for cell.
The antenna is mounted on a telescopic fiber-glass painter pole, light weight, does not take too much storage space when not in use, and it can go up to 30-feet. The other advantage of the pole is that I can rotate it, while looking at the signal strength on the phone and get the best direction for the antenna.