UsualSuspect wrote:
If you are looking at switching companies, do not port your numbers over until you know the carrier works for you. They do not tell you this, but you can port your number over anytime. T-Mobile while cheap, has zero coverage at the house, same with Verizon, no service. I tried an AT&T phone and it did not work at my parents. I ended up where I never thought I would be, with Sprint. Don't go by their coverage maps, all 4 of them say I have excellent coverage with their service, which I do not. They work where I go, so they work for me. My DD uses Verizon, Sprint is just ok around where she is. All the major carriers have a 14 day window to test it out, just remember the 1 st day is the day you pick up the phone, if it does not work for you within a few days, take it back, pay for the days you used it, and a $35 fee and walk to the next carrier. Do not fall for the port your number now, they just want to trap you in a contract.
Verizon may not work in your house. But it has the best nationwide coverage, and it works at my house!!! AT&T does not work in my house, but works in the back yard.