Thanks guys - After reading this I don't think this is what I am looking for...
After I see what just connecting my M90 laptop to the HDMI port of the large screen HDTV looks like with my M90 screen I'll come up with a direct HDMI cable connect... I bet it won't look like the great digital high def TV signals tho haha...
The word WIRELESS caught my eye for the chromecast dongle and I have been reading about it for a few weeks now... I thought maybe it was just as simple as my DELL M90 communicating with it via WIFI...
My external 24-inch DELL Monitor connected to the M90 laptop docking station does pretty well displaying the TV broadcasts over the internet using the FREE WATCH TV-SERIES program... Sometimes I get a small delayed audio lip sync which I guess is related to my home cable internet connection speed. The sound transfer is great...
Thanks for the help...
Roy Ken