Just had that happen to me, blue screen of death and all. Boot up in the safe mode and copy all your pics, music or documents that you want to save. Your so called 2nd drive is actually a factory restore file. Turn off your computer and turn back on and when you get that first screen, it's blue too, with the finger on it there is several F- commands you can give it. One of them is I think F-8 for factory restore. Just follow the on screen instructions and it will restore you computer to just like the day you brought it home from the store. It does wipe out all programs you have downloaded and reinstalls all the junk advertising that came with your computer. I made the mistake of taking mine into a so called computer repair place and they did a clean install of Windows 7 now I no longer have most of the programs I liked. I thought they could just fix it, had I known they were gonna do that I would have done the factory restore myself. Most all new computers have factory restore that is what that 2nd drive is.....