I use Refurb's here as well in some positions, Fairly good luck, one lasted only 3 years but that's the exception.. I got a better machine for 100 dollars. Since I already had the monitor that was no problem. Pulled the HD out of the old one (HP Desktops are leggo machines, You can remove and install HD's without so much as a screwdriver) and put it in the new one as Drive E (I think) Works good and does exactly what I want. (And then some).. Very happy with it.
This is my "File Server" here in the Motor home, it has one primary job.. Download two files from Schedules Direct (An XHMTL Television Guide Service) Combine and edit the listings and serve them up to my vintage ReplayTV DVR's.
It also allows me to program the DVR's via LAN (Way easier than the other way) Download shows and share them with other devices,, And a few other functions related to the DVR's.
IT also is a "Spare" for network access.