monkey44 wrote:
My website is protected, but as usual, somewhat easy to work around, or to screen shot. Do any of you tech gurus know of a batch process app that will embed a personal copyright symbol in all images in a file at one time if all are sized the same??
There are a few open source or freeware 'watermarking' apps available that can batch process copyright info on multiple photos at once. I don't have any to recommend as I haven't used them in years.
About every way one can devise to protect online photos can be defeated. For instance, watermarking can be removed fairly easily using Photoshop or similar software. It's akin to most any type of security? Make it difficult for most to defeat, realizing that it won't stop a determined thief.
My suggestion would be to combine a couple of methods mentioned, including watermarking. In addition, you may want to include a more stealth method such as 'steganography'. Basically, embedding your encrypted copyright info within the photo itself.
An example is this photo taken from my Samsung Note. Notice they look the same, however:

The original photo.

Same photo with encrypted embedded text
"This photo copyright 2018 by Open Roads Forums. Contact Call: 123-456-7890"Of course, just an example. Though the particular free portable app
SSuite Picsel Security above uses the original photo which only the photographer should possess as the key to decrypt the hidden copyright text. Useful if someone does remove your physical watermark? I actually saved a copy of the above photo embedded in this thread from as a test, and the photo's hidden copyright info decrypted with no issues.
There are a number of steganography apps available, some free though batch processing a number of photos may need to be done using command line apps? Not a perfect solution as it can also be defeated, though may be less likely to be detected by its stealth nature?