Forum Discussion

paulcardoza's avatar
May 14, 2013

Cradlepoint MB1400?

Is anyone out there using a Cradlepoint MB1400 in their RV?

I'm looking for something to replace my Wifi Ranger that actually works! I've been with WFR from the beginning, but performance and lack of regular progress in development has run me out of patience. Right now, my laptop connects to the WFR just fine, but none of my 4 iOS devices will transfer data when connected, even though it shows them connected fine.

My big question regarding the MB1400 is will it connect to a filtered internet connection, such as Tengointernet? My old CTR35 would not, but that was many moons ago.

I know the MB1400 is pricey, but reviews have been stellar and I'm ready to spend more to have something I can count on!

Thanks for any feedback in advance!
  • I have the Pepwave Mini as well that I use to get campground WiFi if it is available and have the CTR35 that I have setup to get my Millenicom WiFi as well as the Pepwave signal. I had a WFR in the beginning but it never worked with the Sprint USB modem so they refunded my money.
  • I use the Cradlepoint MBR1000 and when I upgraded the air card from 3G to 4G I emailed Cradlepoint to verify if the new air card would work. They send me directions and the firmware updates that were needed to upgrade the router firmware. So give them a call, it may solve you problem.
  • I'm currently using a Pepwave Surf Mini On-The-Go in our coach, and a Cradlepoint MBR95 in our base cottage. I've used both in the past to connect to Tengo systems without any problems. I also have a CTR350 that I use with a small battery pack for portable use, and that too has been used to connect to Tengo. I think the MBR1400 should work just as well. I prefer the Pepwave OTG for our RV use though, since it works well with external antennas at a modest cost.