We picked up the MH from CW. It ran good on the way to Pigeon Forge, which is where we are now.
The list of things that need fixed is growing. I couldn't get the MH to level using autolevel, DW thinks it might be because the site is to far off level. I will check that out when we leave. Some are by nature and some are due to Freightliner and CW not making sure the MH was presentable.
We did get a call from a contact at the CW to see if things were ok.
I have yet to talk to anyone in management at the CW for a month now. Not even when we picked up the MH. So, there was-is no service recovery. CW did the bare minimum, and that was it.I even contacted CW on the Facebook page. I have yet to hear from Marcus or any of the representatives. No apologizes for the employee addressing me and my wife with his feet on the desk impressing two female co-workers. no nothing.