they reserve the right..its leagalese
that is not the point of this thread or the other one
if you want and Ironclad contract on your behalf, you are not going to find that with any kind of service provider anywhere in the world
the point is unlimited is available, and that it is a rare opportunity
you can pay and play or you can keep what you have know
but there is no sense in denigrating everybody that says they have it, and it works by claiming its not real,
it is real, can it go away sure it might, in a few years, or it might not
service providers always reserve rights to change things
and whatever service you are using right now might change
just like the satellite TV and cable companies keeping raising the bill every few years
but i have Never had Verizon send me a notice saying my monthly service is going up, if i did not change anything, the cable company does, the satellite TV, the water company does etc..