well not talking about a supper video card more like a 8800 nvidia or a hd 7770 ati i could also put a fan underneath it http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41y9XSjx4gL._SY300_.jpg if i can find somebody to make a padded steel footing similar to the one i designed with mechanical shock absorbers that would be nice if it had 3 inches of smooth travel and non hard bottom out design but if this was not a custom item i would expect it to be a 1000 bucks or more i know the first responders aka the mobile command bus that dhs has uses computers with a special case i want to be able to change out and upgrade hardware from time to time without an engineering degree so that means the case needs to be a normal case and that requires the case to be shock isolated so doing the engineering once outside of the case will allow me to use a normal case and not have to re-engineer the entire setup just adjust and balance the shocks if the weight is changed power supplies can vary in weight a bit but a good power supply is always heavy and typically range from 5-7 pounds but could be close to 10 pounds also another machine being used a dvr but this one will not have a big graphics card something more on the line being a step up from say a mx400 just enough to do hd video dvi and hdmi and it will have an after market cpu cooler that is slightly lighter then the stock as well as some raid cards this unit will likely be anchored in place with little shock protection maybe just screwed to a desk though the feet with a heavy rubber mat under it all solid state hard drives with a high reliability not the cheap budget ones talking about solid state hard drives made for video editing but got to make sure they are not hybrid and are solid state though and though i never heard about hybrid solid state always thought it had a platter or did not