i will be working with my dealer to get this rv custom fitted but it seems this is not something that is very common it can be done i know dhs has done it but they spend 5 grand on a computer case that is our tax dollars at work i am sure an easier way exists such as shock isolating the computer case having a good flooring system will reduce allot of the smaller jolts and vibrations but a pothole is still gonna be be an issue
its custom from the ground up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sOXUQiiJAM that is what a paint job can do and we are going for special underpayment to reduce road noise so its the big shocks i am worried about the small vibrations will not even be noticeable i got most everything else worked out just this computer needing a shock isolation system i think my best bet is a floor mounted system that is both using springs and is padded unless i can get the performence i want from video cards that not so big normaly my cards tend to have about a half of pound of heat sink on them still enough to be of some worry a body in motion tends to stay in motion so we have to make this transition slower a shuttle interesting concept i might consider as it has the video card facing up were shock of a bump just pushes the card into the mother board rather then a lateral stress on the socket my dvr will likely be a horizontal case due to a number of factors but this will also have the same advantage my main computer will be a more confined area being i plan to sit right in front of it vs back min of 8 feet from the tv on a cross bar luv seat so the dvr being in a cabinet with a dvd player and maybe even a satellite receiver is not a big issue inside an RV not much side to side movement or back and forth movement just the up and down movement of a pothole or even a dirt road but mostly its the chance of a pothole that has me worried i do not think a dirt road is something i will feel much i might feel half of it due to the underpayment and advanced paint job we will be getting