I didn't order anything from DIRECTV... It is permissible to use your present DIRECTV account anywhere in the USA away from your present ZIP CODE. The only thing you will lose is your local TV stations if you are presently getting these. All I did was take a SAT RCVR from the bedroom and hooked it up to a PORT from a portable SAT dish I got from a local RV dealer. I set up the portable SAT DISH using the beeping type SAT FINDERS and mounted it inline with RG cable close to the SAt dish

I ran the 150-foot long RG CABLE into the trailer through my window flap but your can probably get into the trailer through the storage door area.
Inside the trailer I plugged the RG cable into the ANTENNA JACK of the SAT RCVR. Then I ran VIDEO cables from the SAT RCVR to the VIDEO INPUT on the HDTV set. If you brought along a second SAT RCVR you can connect it to the second PORT on the SAt DISH and setup this for your second TV set located in the bedroom. Each TV in your can watch separate SAT TV stations doing this.
Using the TV remote I selected the VID channel I was plugged into.
Now I scan the TV to look for TV CHANNELS just like you do at home.
You should now be ready to watch SAT TV. You will need to use the SAT RCVR remote to change channels. The audio level will have to be controlled by the TV remote.
I did this for a few years until the NATL BROADCAST came out with their digital TV signals form the local towns. These TV signal are full high def mode so I stopped bringing along all of my SAT DISH stuff and now watch HDTV from the local towns using my OTA BATWING antenna setup.
I also would say to be sure to have your DIRECTV acct info with you as I had to call them using their 800 number a few times to re-activate the SAT RCVR. Mine was the older type and it sometimes would lose the activation if I unplugged it for any time... I would just tell them this is my DIRECTV from the bedroom that I am using in my RV and it needs to be activated again. You can also do this ON-LINE if you have your DIRECTV account number and access to the internet.
There are probably other ways to do this but this is what worked for me for a couple of years. Traveled as far away as OKLA from my VA home and watched DIRECTV from my account.
My DIRECTV story
Roy Ken