DirecTV will change your "service address" to your new location, but they get testy if you try to do that more than once or twice a year. And as often as not, they'll also wind up changing your billing address. Best way is to get an outboard DirecTV AM-21 off-air tuner (about $50 lots of places) that uses your crank-up TV antenna to add any local off-air channels to your DirecTV guide. Works great. If you have a separate DirecTV account for your RV (or if your only account is an RV account, you can do the paperwork and subscribe to DirecTV's "Distant Networks" service that gets you either east coast or west cast network stations for about $15 a month. Don't expect the DirecTV phone talker who answers to know about the
distant network service - most of them don't. Do your research on the web and you'll be fine.