OP, again :( I "stowed" the dish, and then powered it back up. Nothing. I also tried to reset the receiver using the red button. That only made things worse, it is in mid-reset and stuck in "searching for signal 771". I am a fulltimer, lots of sat dish use and lots of bumpy miles along the way. The system has been flawless for almost 5 yrs. I am guessing, based on the feedback here, that I have a connection issue - coax or lnb - I know I have a clear sky and weather is not an issue. It's strange, all was working ok until 2 days ago, then whammy
I will call directv tomorrow morning, and see if they will dispatch a service tech. I have no issue paying for the call, I do not have the protection plan. If direct doesn't send someone, can I just use any "mom and pop" type sat system installer type? I have no idea who does this kind of work, but I know enough to know that I don't know how to do it :) (wish I did)
thanks all