If you will fax that paperwork to Directv @ FAX # 208-363-6444 you should have service in a day or 2.
To answer a couple of other questions, everyone is eligible for DNS if you have an RV registered in your name and a DirecTV account in the same name. You cannot have both locals and DNS active at the same time (unless one of the CSR's makes a mistake like my account!) but you can change between local and DNS when you are in the RV.
The DNS will be setup based upon where the RV is registered. If that address is in the E or C time zone then you will get the NY feed. If your address is in the M or P time zone you will get the LA (Los Angeles) feed. The DNS service for either E or W is $15. You may be able to ask for both feeds and if you are able to get it the fee is $20 for both.
DNS programming is found on channels 389-399 and includes ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CW and PBS.
Since Dish was mentioned in this DirecTV thread I would also note that Dish took away the DNS option from their customers. If you want to watch Network TV as you travel you must get setup at the new location and then call or chat with Dish, give them the new location, make sure they don't change your billing address and then wait, hopefully, for the change to take place. Many Dish folks like this better but I prefer not having to do anything other than turn on the TV and pour a cocktail!