Switched from DTV to Dish years ago when we wanted to get tv in the RV. No HD tv with the DTV portable dishes. Setting up my Winegard X2 couldn't be easier.
As to service. Dish beats DTV hands down IMO. When we had DTV is was a loooong wait on the phone to get issues taken care of. Dish is so much quicker.
As far as programming, I suppose it's subjective. No HBO on Dish but we don't watch the premium channels anyways. Like the NFL but after watching college football all day Saturday I'm a little burnt out on watching the NFL on Sunday. Plus DTV won't offer the Pac12 Network so that was one of 2 main reasons for our switch.
As for software and ease of use, I have to go with DTV. Although it's been many years since we had DTV, when we did have it, it was easier to navigate.
Dish can be frustrating at times with occasional freezes and other glitches.
We camp a lot where there's not enough cell signal if any to be able to stream, so having satellite tv is our go to for extra entertainment. The nice thing about Dish vs DTV when RV'ing is you can stop and start anytime and use your phone to activate. A simple no hassle phone call will get your locals changed if needed. Back when we had DTV and a manual dish it was a constant hassle to get locals or for that matter any RV satellite help from DTV.