Winegard1 wrote:
CA Traveler wrote:
Winegard1 wrote:
If you want HD, your only option is the SK-SWM3 Trav'Ler. You can bring your receivers from home with this satellite antenna, and it should just be a seamless transfer. Meaning you should just be able to take it directly out of the house then start it up without having to change any settings.
Clearly this is Winegard speaking.
I have the RF Mogul DTV dish and it definitely receives HD.
Yes I am a Winegard rep. I am just here to help spread helpful knowledge, as things can get complicated sometimes. As I stated previously before the comment you quoted me on, I was just giving a simple breakdown for Winegard products. I never said there weren't any other options outside of Winegard. Sorry for the confusion, just trying to help.
With the Winegard Carryout G2, Pathway X1, or Pathway X2, it is possible to watch two different programs on two different televisions. Just remember those programs need to be coming off the same DISH or DirecTV network satellite.
Winegard1. Wondering if you can help me. After about a dozen calls last summer to DirecTV and Winegard I was able to set up the system in my motorhome. DirecTV HD DVR 24-500 with a Winegard SK-3003 Trav'ler and a DirecTV SUP-2400 B Band Converter on a Samsung HD TV. When I moved the DirecTV to our home they installed a SWM Pi21R1-03 without the SUP-2400 B Band.
Now when I take the DVR to the coach again I cannot get it to work with or without the SUP-2400 B-Band nor with or without the Pi21R1. No Seamless Transfer. I get a 775 error code. Last year they had me change the Tuner in from dual to single. This year when I try that it says it can't find a SWM and won't let me continue. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Chuck