There are likely various reasons for Genie 2. The HR44 and HR54 Genies also have a wireless option.
Curious about the charges. Is there a receiver charge and a charge for the first Genie Client which would not be needed for prior receivers?
4K TVs are available in most stores. So 2x4K capability would be desired by users plus DTV charges extra for those programs.
Technology advances. The main features for me when the HR44 replaced the HR24.
1. Boot time was a lot less. With frequent travel in the MH this was a A++.
2. Search, channel change, etc times were faster.
3. It had the external PI so less heat in the HR44 cabinet.
4. The remote was RF so no need for line of sight.
5. 5 channel recording. We would occasionally reach the prior 2 channel limit. We record most everything and hence skip the ads.
Apparently the Genie 2 has additional improvements.
The downside was the requirement for a SWM dish and we went for the full array dish for the full capability. Our choice for the RV was the RF Mogul dish. I'm aware that Winegard has a larger market. But there was no way I could stomach the possibility of removing the Winegard and shipping it in for repair. Just an absurd service policy IMHO.
The RF Mogul dish is composed of motors, gears, LNB, coax, GPS antenna, blue light and power cable. All of the electronics is in a box inside the RV.