Forum Discussion

campermama's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 01, 2019

Dish & Wally Receiver

I have the King VQ4550 with the Wally Dish receiver. I have had this setup for a few months now with no problems. Just recently if I turn the TV on in the morning the Wally goes into Starting Up mode. I also notice the signal strength on all satellites (110, 119, 129) are all below 30. I have moved the dish (sitting on a tripod) to a spot where the sky is wide open (facing south), no interference and the signal strength is still the same. I am also missing a few channels. And it still is doing the Start Up mode in the morning (the time is set to reset at 2am).
Is there a problem with the dish? Or the receiver? Why can't I get a better signal?
I am in Fallon Nevada 89406....any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!!

PS once the start up has completed it seems to work fine (except for the few missing channels)