Geeze wrote:
Kountryguy wrote:
I just acquired a Wally receiver and a Tailgater dish. The issue I an inquiring about is the fact that the Wally resets every 24 hours. After the reset, it takes about 5 minutes to reload the guide and then another 5 minutes to finish reloading the extended guide. Is there any way around this frustrating process?
The Wally is a p.i.t.a compared to the 211z. Setup time every time the lights flicker is just rediculous. It should be programmed and have a internal battery or capicator to recall and try the last antenna position before it goes through the entire setup process again. We have a factory mounted tailgater on our roof and when the receiver goes into sleep motor the tailgater just runs and runs looking for a signal. I hope Dish replaces the Wally with something better soon.
For power interruptions buy one of these..

A "UPS" which is a self contained inverter/battery/ATS designed to switch to inverter when power is dropped.
Can't help with the nightly reboots, that is a fact of life for pretty much every electronic device..
Your unit should be doing the update reboot routine at 2:00AM-3:00AM, if it is doing it through the day, then it simply needs changed to night time hrs.
Wait until your car someday soon stops in mid rush hour to do a "system update" reboot :E