Have had Dish since 1998, when we went full time we signed an RV waiver. Had East and West coast network feeds until the courts ruled that Dish could not do that. Since that time we have changed service addresses every time we were out of a specific spot beam's service area. We have been in 7 locations within 200 miles of Indianapolis for the past two months and never have changed our service address. In the week or so it looks like we'll be heading to Alabama, I'll get on Dish Chat and change to a "service address" that suits my needs for the longest period of time due to my anticipated travel pattern. I might choose Birmingham or Nashville, since the spot beams overlap where we're heading, not sure yet. This will take me less that 10 minutes to accomplish, quicker than waiting for a voice. The wait time for Chat vs Talk is very small, in my case usually a 2-3 minutes wait or immediate. There have been times I've changed the "service address" nightly due to travel, but I always put the antenna up to see if I have "locals" from my last location. If not I'm head to "Chat"