I've been with Dish since 1989. Remember the old 3 meter dishes? I've had at least five different types of dishes and probably a dozen receivers. I've experienced it all.
I've had both stellar and crappy service from Dish. Last year I had very crappy service from Dish when trying to add a Joey and Hopper to the sticks and bricks house. It took almost a week to get them to allow me to keep one account that included the MH and the house. Finally was connected with a supervisor stateside who had authority. Found out that lower level personnel were merely reading from their cookbook.
We turn the Traveler and Tailgator on and off several times a year as well as change our service address as we travel and snowbird. Each change requires calling Dish. Not one problem in two years.
When using Dish tech support you never know if you are going to get a person stateside or overseas. However, it seems that more and more of their tech support people are now located stateside.