CA Traveler wrote:
As I thought the choice of which cable to use is up to the homeowner. Each company owns there cable. As I suggested earlier Cox has apparenty concluded that their cable will be superior and pay off in the long run. It certainly has to be expensie to bury the cable to 4,000 homes.
It is a quite complicated mess.
The choice of what hard wired phone or cable company and now hard wired Internet really depends on who was there first with the exclusive territorial contracts all comes back to the beginning of those services.
In the beginning, there was "Ma Bell"..
Hard wired phone cos were all at one time exclusive to "Ma Bell", "Ma Bell" was forcibly dismantled into "Baby Bells" by the Federal Gv.. The stronger Baby bells bought each other up to create what we see now.. The Phone cos owned right of ways, phone poles and such.
Cable cos were at one time exclusive to only cities which needed better TV coverage, to get the cable on the poles they had to approach the city counsels to get exclusive rights to provide the service for a fee and then pay the phone co or electric utility company to use their poles..
Fast forward over time cable cos started adding distance outside of the cities to gain more customers..
Fast forward some more and Phone companies started offering dedicated DSL services and cable cos saw an opportunity to offer cable Internet to existing customers..
Keep in mind, this expansion still meant that existing phone co and cable companies had exclusive territorial rights meaning no other phone co or cable co outside of the area can sell their hardwired services in the areas the existing phone co or cable cos..
The result, well your area is still only served by one hardwired phone co or one hardwired Cable co even for Internet..
If you want hardwired Internet, your choice will come down to only what Phone Co or what Cable co has physical wire or fiber laid near to you.
For example, if you have Comcast cable Internet in your area, your only choice is Comcast Internet. You would not be able to get Cox or any other cable Internet..
For hardwired phone DSL, if there is Centurylink, you won't be able to get ATT DSL, ATT Uverse or any other hardwired Phone co Internet..
It is all about territorial boundaries..
Only wireless delivery methods for Internet like Sat or Cellphone can bypass the territorial boundries..
If you want hardwired Internet, you need to find out what cable co or phone company services are present in the area where you new home will be and contact them directly. Doing this will most likely result in you getting a better deal than trying to use Dish as a third party reseller.