wa8yxm wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
wa8yxm wrote:
2oldman wrote:
Internet through your satellite dish? Haven't seen that yet.
I have a couple different versions of it... First is a different dish (Bigger) next is they deliver internet via alternative means (IE: Cellular, Cable, Twisted pair) and finally there is Sat down, alternative up.
I'd ask 'em how they deliver..
Yes, there is Sat Internet available, but that wasn't the question that the OP asked about.
And as you can see I was not responding to the Original Poster I was responding to 2-old Man
Oh. Starlink..> MR. Musk's new LEO Satellite ISP.. I'm told they are at least TESTING if not offering "mobile" accounts.... That said. I do not yet know how much coverage they have. the cost. or how well they perform... I'd be interested if I was still mobile. but alas, I'm not.
I think 2oldmans question was about getting Internet directly from the same dish as the DishTV dish.. In other words, there is confusion between DishTV and Dish "offering" a TV and Internet package.
Natural assumption seems to be along the lines that DishTV and Dish Internet is both delivered by Dish which is not true.
Further adding confusion is the fact that folks are clearly confusing this with the idea that DishTV and Dish Internet bundle could possibly delivered on DishTV satellites and you could possibly get BOTH services via ONE DISH.
The answer to that is a firm no.
Dish doesn't even have enough bandwidth left on any of their satellites to transmit the SD quality channels with enough resolution for a 20" TV let alone handle Internet traffic.
Dishes Satellites are also not equipped to handle additional Internet uplinking traffic that would be required for 100% duplex Internet traffic.
The KEY WORD is "partnering" which is another word for "reselling" another service they do not own.
Hughes and ViaSat satellites are designed from ground up for duplex Internet service. DishTV's satellites are designed from ground up as TV ONLY content delivery systems. The two different things do not meet..