What TechWriter wants or uses and what I want and use can vary dramatically. The reality is the the DNS Networks are going, going, gone for Dish customers. There certainly are options, but none are as convenient as the DNS option. Even if the arguement is "all it takes is a call", that's still more effort than necessary when the DNS option means you don't have to do anything!
Even if all things were as TechWriter likes to assume, I like to watch the Today show every morning but I often have to be at work by 8am. I tape the show from the East Coast feed (while I am on the West Coast) and I get to watch nearly the entire show before I leave for work instead of having to tape it while I am working and watch it the following day.
It's just a matter of choice. No one choice is correct. But I know what the one and only correct choice is for me. Everyone else just has to decide what the right choice if for them.
Just for a moment, let's step away from the RV market. Dish is "supposed" to provide Network programming to ALL of their customers. However, not all of the Dish customers are served by a local Network feed. That means that many Dish HOME customers receive their programming via DNS. With this new AAD debacle, those customers will not be able to watch ANY Network programming either via satellite or via OTA TV. What good comes of that?