I'm guessing you have not actually tried this? If you have, you are either at one of the VERY FEW CG's that can deal with streaming video (or even allow it) over their wifi, or you have VERY deep pockets to use cellular for your streaming. IMHO, this is bad advice for someone unfamiliar with the technology.
the bear II wrote:
Another option which is getting better as technology improves is to use an internet connection to access TV & Movies. Services like ROKU, HULU,VUDU, Netflix, Amazon Prime and more can be accessed over the internet to view TV programs and Movies plus other content. In addition many of the broadcast companies provide streaming of their content from the company's website.
The key is to have a good internet connection which can be spotty at RV Parks. They are getting better but the best solution for now is to have your own connection through one of the cell based services.
There are associated fees and some of the services are cumbersome to use but they are getting better.
In my opinion, this type of internet based entertainment service will eventually replace satelite based service.