rocmoc wrote:
anav8or wrote:
rocmoc wrote:
greende wrote:
PSU_RVr wrote:
Reason I asked, I'm getting emails from Dish about my account past due and I wasn't expecting that.
Don't know why you are getting a past due bill. I call after every trip and ask them to disconnect my service so I can save any remaining money. I have never gotten a bill that says I'm past due. You should probably call DISH and ask to speak with someone in the Loyalty Department (Essentially the supervisors) and see what's up. When you disconnect service be sure and not say you want to hold it. A hold charges you $5 per month, something not needed with a Pay-As-You-Go plan.
Thanks for another useful tip!
rocmoc n AZ/Mexico
rocmoc - what was the result of your conversation with the DISH folks? I have a similar situation where I assumed that if I didn't pay for a month, the service would stop. I'm now getting e-mails about collections and I'm being told that I have to bring my account "current" in order to pause / cancel or whatever. Thanks!
I don't have a Pay as you Go account YET! Have only been reading and responded a couple of times.
rocmoc n AZ/Mexico
Sorry about that - lost track of who said what in the thread. Rookie mistake :)
One more thing to note here for the group - the rep I spoke with told me that the collections notices are the expected result if I don't call in and let them know when I want to stop the service. Maybe a policy has changed...