Bob Vaughn wrote:
I have a Verizon Jet Pack MiFi hot spot.....I receive emails just fine but it will not let me send emails. I wonder what I am doing wrong.
What email client are you using? If outgoing emails are a no go you need to change the your outgoing mail (SMPT) server settings. The SMPT you are using is not accepting your outgoing emails.
If you have a Gmail email address....
Gmail SMTP Settings for Outgoing Mail:
To send mail through Gmail from any email program, enter the following default SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server address information:
Gmail SMTP server address:
Gmail SMTP username: Your full Gmail address (e.g.,
Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password
Gmail SMTP port (TLS): 587
Gmail SMTP port (SSL): 465
Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes
Either TLS or SSL can be used depending on your email client.